Here's a completely offline Swedish-English / English-Swedish dictionary based on Folkets Lexikon (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) with more than 46,000 English and 89,000 Swedish entries. It incorporates around 12000 examples, 8000 explanations, 16000 grammatical hints and 4500 idioms, so it offers maximum possible help while you're learning English or Swedish.
It's totally free and does not require an Internet connection.
*To request extra features or bug-fixes, e-mail me!
</div> <div class="id-app-translated-desc" style="display:none">这是一个完全脱机的瑞典语 - 英语/英语 - 瑞典语字典Folkets Lexikon(<a href="" target="_blank"></a>)的基础上与46,000多名英语和89,000瑞典的条目。它集成了大约12000的例子,8000的解释,16000语法提示和4500的成语,所以它提供了最大可能的帮助,而你学习英语或瑞典语。
*要求提供额外的功能或错误修复,E-mail给我!</div> <div class="show-more-end">